Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A Word From Jenna - Love Extravagantly!

When I first found out we were going to be church planters, I knew I would be stretched way beyond my comfort zone. I have trouble reaching out to people I know, much less strangers in a totally different culture. God began showing me opportunities to reach out to people, even before we left Houston. Little small things like returning your shopping cart to the right place, or being patient in the check out line, or helping an elderly person find something in the store.
Sure, most people probably do that anyway, but I never paid attention to those things before. I pretty much did whatever was easiest for me. I noticed that after I started doing the little things God brought to my attention, the more He would show me.
Yesterday, I was on my way to the grocery store when I stopped at a red light. I noticed a woman crying in the SUV next to me. After a few moments, it was obvious she was very upset and alone. Her window was down, and there was an opportunity. I sat there unsure of what to do. I mean, who talks to people crying in cars next to them in New York? Not me. I had been at this light several times before. I knew it was a long light, and I had plenty of time to roll down my window and ask her if she was OK. It could have been that simple. Just a simple touch to show her someone cared. But, I wasted time going back and forth on what to do. Finally, the light turned green and the opportunity was gone.
I tried not to be too hard on myself. I told myself I was not really sure if it was something from God. Later that night, while journaling, I asked God to forgive me for not acting on the opportunity and for being too scared of the unknown. I knew inside that I had missed a moment to spread His fame. He then reminded me of the passage I had just read 10 minutes before from a passage in 1 Corinthians 13 (The Message). Paul states in verse 13, "Trust
steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly, and the best of the three is love."
Wow! Those verses had spoken to me moments before concerning our disappointment when no one came to the Bible study. But, it was when I asked God to forgive me, that he revealed another truth from His word. LOVE EXTRAVAGANTLY!! Even if that means a stranger crying in the car next to you at a stop light. Even if only a few words are spoken, or none at all.....
.LOVE EXTRAVAGANTLY....and He will take care of the rest.
My heart hurts now that I missed a chance, but I am ready and waiting for God to give me another.
Thanks for your prayers.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jenna - It is so amazing to hear your heart. I have been there so many times and my heart has hurt after the fact. I am praying that he would give you another chance and I am excited to hear how He does it. I love you girl and miss you so so much!