Monday, August 07, 2006

Little Visits With God

Tonight, we were hoping and anticipating that at least one of our contacts would come to the Bible study held at our house tonight. It didn't happen.
I have been reminded by a couple of people already tonight, namely my brother Aaron, not to expect too much too quickly. It is true. This is very much a process. We have been here for one month and each day we are meeting people. We are developing relationships and those are progressing. Again, we are not discouraged, just anxious to see how all of this will unfold.
And while no one that we had contacted came to our Bible study tonight, we still had a Bible study tonight. It consisted of me, Jenna, Madison, and Emma. When I was a little boy, my parents read a book to me and my brother called, "Little Visits With God". Jenna's parents also read this same book to her and her sister. We have the book that Jenna's parents read from. Tonight, the devotional was based on Psalm 100:2. It talked about serving the Lord with gladness. We explained what this meant to our girls. And while I was explaining and Jenna was explaining, the entire time I knew that this was a verse that the Lord had given me.
Serving Him is not dependent on who shows up for a Bible study. Serving Him is our privilege, simply because He is our Lord. We can serve Him with gladness.
As we wrapped up the devotion, Madison commented on having people come the next week. It was really obvious that she is understanding exactly what is going on. We prayed. Emma prayed that people would come next time. Wow. She is getting it too.
Jenna and I then went out to the front yard and watched the girls run around and play, both of us realizing that a church really is being planted here. Right in front of our eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember the verse we have claimed for this situation--"For I have many people in this city" (Acts 18:10). God has the people there, and He has the plan to bring them to Crossroads! Never loose heart, always keep your hand to the plow.