Saturday, August 26, 2006


Madison starts school at Northside on September 6. Her new teachers name is Mrs. Leung. She is very nice and is one of the Lead teachers at the school. Madison is very excited and ready to start. She is still sick and miserable, and was worried today she would miss the first day of school. I reassured her she would be better by then! :) A few things we would love for you to pray for.....
1. Pray for an easy transition for Madison into public school and in a new place.
2. Please pray for her to make a special friend......many of them.
3. Please pray for her teacher, Mrs. Leung.
4. Please pray for ways for us to reach out and be involved with other families in the school.
5. Please pray for her me, (mommy). I homeschooled her before, NOT because I did not like public schools, or could not afford private ones, or because I thought we could improve on future SAT scores. But, because I wanted to be with her. I love having her home with me. I hate being away from my girls. However, I know with full assurance, Northside is where God wants her to be, and I want His plan for her more than my own. I did not say it would be easy though. So please pray for my transition as well.
6. Please pray for her biggest fan, EMMA. She will miss her more than anyone. She loves her big sister.
Emma and I will find plenty of fun and special things to do, just the two of us, while Maddie is at school. (She knows how to keep me busy!) But, we will look so forward to 3:10pm, when Maddie comes home!
Nothing Else I would rather do..............than be their mother.


Anonymous said...

I am praying for you Jenna... I know it is hard for you to let Maddie go to school. I am praying that many relationships will come from the parents at the school.

sterjenmademm said...

Thank you Mandy! You know you could move here by next year and teach 3rd grade?!!!! Love and Miss you!!

Anonymous said...

im praying for you guys... i know whats its like to have that sick junk going on... blessings on you all as you enter a busy week with traveling and all!

Anonymous said...

Jenna -Start looking for a job for knows!

Anonymous said...

I'll pray for you, Jenna. First day of school is depressing for me every year. Some years are a little easier, but this year was worse.
Joy B