Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Can you believe it?! Like our good friend Jeff Newpher said, "who would have ever thought we'd be praying for me to win the lottery! ":). I am so excited! Mrs. Leung sent me a note home with Madison saying that I had won the lottery. I am officially one of two class parents for Madison's 2nd grade class. Thank you so much to those who pray for great opportunities like this one, to come along! I will be able to meet and get to know moms in a much greater way! Not to mention the fact that I get to be apart of Madison's class in a special way. Madison is very excited that I am class parent. More time together! Seems so silly to be so excited over being chosen Class Room Mother, as I remember it being called. I feel like I just won an award or something really big. But, I am just that.......Excited....Thrilled....Happy! God is good.


Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!! I am so glad you will get to do this! This is such a perfect oppotunity for you to meet people. I wish I had a parent so excited to be the class mom.

Anonymous said...

awesome! what an exciting opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Yay, Jenna! You'll be a wonderful room mom:) Love you!!-Julie Haynes