Wednesday, September 20, 2006

You Are Our Mission!

Last Sunday night I saw the movie "World Trade Center." I saw it with my good friend Carl Novian, who was in New York visiting us last weekend. The movie was intense. I liked it.
There was one part of the movie that has stayed in my mind everyday this week. When the two Marines hear the sounds coming from the rubble and make contact with our two main characters; one of the soldiers says: "We are the United States Marines, you will be okay; you are our mission."
I know that it sounds so cliche to say that "our life is a mission trip". But, this week I am constantly aware that as I go out and as I meet people, "they" are our mission.
It's easy to get caught up the fact that we are trying to start a church. It's easy to get bogged down in details. It's hard some days to stay focused. Sometimes, we want to see more progress being made. Sometimes, we question if we are doing things right. Sometimes, we wonder if we should be doing more. Other times, we wonder if we should be doing less. But, the fact of the matter is that Jesus was all about people. "They" were His mission. That is what I really want to be about.
At our Bible study this past Monday night, we talked about the simplicity of the gospel. Love the Lord God with all of your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. It sounds so simple. Why do I make it so complicated? I'm not sure why. But, I want to focus on THE Mission.


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