Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Expect the Unexpected!

You can always expect the unexpected with God. Being church planters, has really taught us to be mission minded 24/7. No matter where we are, a grocery store, a bank, a post office, a park, God gives us opportunities to show His love. Sterling is always looking for ways to carry on conversation with anyone, anywhere. While the UBC group was here in March, Sterling and I went on a dinner date to Red Lobster. Our waiter accidentally spilt water all over Sterling, and was very embarrassed. The incident created a great atmosphere to talk to him for a few minutes longer than we could have if it had not happened. The restaurant was busy that night, and waiters do not have time to talk a lot to their customers. Sterling told him we had just moved here, and were excited to find a Red Lobster nearby. That always get's a "What made you move to Long Island?" question back to us. Sterling shared he was the new pastor to a new church up the road. Andrew told us to bring our girls next time, and he sent them a bag of biscuits home with us. Sterling did not give him contact info then, because he was busy when we left. About 3 weeks ago, we went back to Red Lobster with Jessica and Luis, and Andrew was our waiter again. I recognized him right away, and said, "We brought our girls this time". Andrew quickly remembered spilling the water and said "Oh yeah, you are a priest or something, right?" We laughed, and explained he was not a priest. We talked a few more minutes and talked and joked around each time he came to the table. When leaving, Sterling gave him his business card.
This morning, Sterling got a voicemail. It was Andrew!!!!!!!! He reminded Sterling of who he was, and said he was calling to see how our family was doing. We were just BLOWN AWAY. I mean................IS THAT GOD OR WHAT!!!!!!!!!! Who expects a waiter to contact you after waiting on you twice????? GOD DOES! I mean you give the business card, because after all we are church planters, and always on mission, but did we really expect him to ever call???When you are faithful to show God's love and take a risk of reaching out, even in awkward territory, GOD MOVES! Wow! I can't even put into words how Awe struck I am by the BIG GOD we serve. He is capable of doing far more than we can imagine. God is working on the hearts of people on Long Island. Pray for Sterling and Andrew to be able to meet together for coffee or something so Sterling can see what is on Andrew's heart, and continue to show him God's amazing love. Praise God!


Anonymous said...

Our prayer is with you for Andrew and Sterling alone because I believe God wants to answer each and every small request when we are in His will. Good luck!
Would also love to see some finished remodel pictures!!!
Give my girls a hug and kiss!
Dad and Poppy

Anonymous said...

POST PICTURES!!!!! Please!

sterjenmademm said...

Pictures! I will take some tomorrow. Thanks!