Monday, April 30, 2007

Extreme Makeover: Church Home Edition

Extreme Makeover is back at Crossroads. A great new crew from FBC Pampa, Texas is here this week. They are doing an Extreme Makeover in our fellowship hall, turning it into Acts Cafe. In one day, it already looks completely different. They ripped out all the old appliances, cabinets, walls....just like they do on the TV show. It was great. They are also completely remodeling and creating two new bathrooms, with a shower in each one. FBC Pampa, under the supervision of our faithful friend, Carl Novian, has generously funded this project. We are all so grateful, and can't wait to see the finished results. I will post pictures this weekend. The idea of Acts Cafe is basically a Starbucks like atmosphere, where people can fellowship. The next mission group coming at the end of May will complete Acts Cafe, by painting the entire building, and laying the new floor. It will be awesome. Thank you FBC Pampa for your love, prayers, and financial support.


Anonymous said...

OH my gosh... I am so excited I can't stand it! I can't WAIT to see it!!! What an amazing answer to prayer... TWO SHOWERS.. I am floored!

sterjenmademm said...

yeah, it will be so nice by the time you come in August! Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

An old radio station used to say, "And the hits just keep on happening!" It's great that old and new relationships keep blending to bring about something even better. I am thankful for the people in Pampa that loved through all the trials my family!

Anonymous said...

hooray! its always great to hear the exciting things the Lord is doing in NY!