Monday, April 30, 2007
Extreme Makeover: Church Home Edition
Extreme Makeover is back at Crossroads. A great new crew from FBC Pampa, Texas is here this week. They are doing an Extreme Makeover in our fellowship hall, turning it into Acts Cafe. In one day, it already looks completely different. They ripped out all the old appliances, cabinets, walls....just like they do on the TV show. It was great. They are also completely remodeling and creating two new bathrooms, with a shower in each one. FBC Pampa, under the supervision of our faithful friend, Carl Novian, has generously funded this project. We are all so grateful, and can't wait to see the finished results. I will post pictures this weekend. The idea of Acts Cafe is basically a Starbucks like atmosphere, where people can fellowship. The next mission group coming at the end of May will complete Acts Cafe, by painting the entire building, and laying the new floor. It will be awesome. Thank you FBC Pampa for your love, prayers, and financial support.
Monday, April 23, 2007
First Things First!

Sterling is in North Carolina right now on a Mission for NAMB. The girls and I never like it when he leaves. But, we are making the most of the week!
Sunday Afternoon the girls and I went bowling with 2
lady friends, Maretta and Christine, and their boys. It was a lot of fun. It was Emma's
first time to bowl, and she loved it. Afterwards, we came home and blew bubbles and played on the church field with everyone until time for dinner. We had a great time together.
This morning, Emma and I were headed for the store, when I realized I locked my keys in the house! I had skipped ladies bible study this morning, because I felt overwhelmed with all I needed to do today before small group tonight. The ladies were still at church, when I locked myself out, and luckily Betty had a key to Maretta's house next door, which had a spare key. God knew I needed to have a little time with my precious friends, and so He had to lock me out of my house to get my attention. They are so good to me. They told me they were in the middle of praying for me, and they wanted to help me in any way they could this week. They wanted to clean my house, and help get ready for the mission team coming this weekend, and help me paint signs for the children's church room. Basically, take some off my plate, because they know my plate is overflowing. How wonderful it is to have people who want to help carry your load. I tell you the women of this church body are so special and so refreshing. Fellowship with other believers is so vital to ones walk. We can't get through this race without it. I will make sure my time with them each Monday morning is a top priority from now on. Everything else can wait.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
God is Good!
God knows our needs before we even ask. He also knows our wants and desires. He is always faithful to provide everything we need, and sometimes He chooses to bless us with what we want. Thank you God for being our provider and making our dreams come true.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Happy Birthday Dad/Poppy!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Easter Weekend Photos!
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Happy Easter!
This morning was a very exciting time at Crossroads Church of Long Island. A little over 70 people attended our Easter Egg Hunt. 44 were visitors, and the remaining 30+ were church members. 35 kids in all, both visitors and members. Amazing turnout! Exciting and so encouraging! Emma and I watched the kids hunt eggs from our upstairs bedroom window. She had her own Easter egg hunt in our living room. Everyone stayed around for hamburgers and hot dogs, games, and crafts. It was a wonderful morning! We look forward to a wonderful service and celebration tomorrow. Happy Easter!
Friday, April 06, 2007
We've Got the Blues!
Please pray for Emma. She has a horrible cold. Her nose is running so much that her entire lip area is swollen & chapped. She is coughing terribly, and the virus has moved back in her eye again. (She just got over viral pink eye last week). This is the worst possible time for her to be sick. Tonight begins our Easter weekend at Crossroads. There is no way I can go tonight with her, and I just don't think she will be able to go to the Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow either. I am in charge of Children's Church on Sunday, so please pray for a miracle of healing between now and Sunday morning! Pray for Madison as well, because she is beginning to cough. We do not want to miss the celebration of our Lord at Crossroads, so please pray, pray, pray!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Criss Cross
Today we started the new children's church program. Thank you to all who were praying for me to find the best curriculum for the kids of Long Island. After researching many options, I chose 252 Basics. I love it! There are 3 main points they desire for all kids to leave children's ministry with: 1) WISDOM= Always Make the Right Choice; 2)FAITH= You can Trust God No Matter What; and 3) FRIENDSHIP= Treat someone the way you want to be treated.
Each Month there is a different virtue taught. Everything centers around one virtue all month, while reinforcing the 3 main lessons. One thing I am thrilled about, is every week there is a 4 day quite time book to send home with each child. It is a short scripture, thought, and application. It is wonderful, and I am excited about Madison doing it every day. And the quiet times all relate to the virtue of the month. I can not say enough great things about this curriculum. It is so relevant and so perfect for our community.
We already have such an amazing core group of kids. They are all so eager to learn and they love everything you put in front of them. I tell you, the people of Farmingdale Baptist have worked hard to invest in their kids for the past many years. The same ones sacrifice their time and energy to put together a children's church where kids learn about God's love while being loved on! Maretta is a special lady who has grown up in the church here. Her mother used to work the nursery, and now for many years, she has organized and taken care of everything needing to be done for the children. I am always blown away at all she does. She never stops! She works full time, while raising her son, and still finds energy to meet so many of the needs of the church. She is very faithful and God will bless her beyond measure for her time, energy, and most of all, love. I am very thankful for her. Because of her love, we have such an amazing group of kids to begin the new journey of Criss Cross Children's Ministry. Please pray as we continue to make changes and grow.
Each Month there is a different virtue taught. Everything centers around one virtue all month, while reinforcing the 3 main lessons. One thing I am thrilled about, is every week there is a 4 day quite time book to send home with each child. It is a short scripture, thought, and application. It is wonderful, and I am excited about Madison doing it every day. And the quiet times all relate to the virtue of the month. I can not say enough great things about this curriculum. It is so relevant and so perfect for our community.
We already have such an amazing core group of kids. They are all so eager to learn and they love everything you put in front of them. I tell you, the people of Farmingdale Baptist have worked hard to invest in their kids for the past many years. The same ones sacrifice their time and energy to put together a children's church where kids learn about God's love while being loved on! Maretta is a special lady who has grown up in the church here. Her mother used to work the nursery, and now for many years, she has organized and taken care of everything needing to be done for the children. I am always blown away at all she does. She never stops! She works full time, while raising her son, and still finds energy to meet so many of the needs of the church. She is very faithful and God will bless her beyond measure for her time, energy, and most of all, love. I am very thankful for her. Because of her love, we have such an amazing group of kids to begin the new journey of Criss Cross Children's Ministry. Please pray as we continue to make changes and grow.
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