Life is crazy busy right now......I finally decided to put down the list of things to do, and just breathe..........which motivated me to blog!
So much has happened in 2007! We moved into the house in Farmingdale two weeks before Christmas! It is truly a dream house for us. The house was in good condition but needed a deep cleaning, after being vacant for over 6 months, and needed new paint throughout every room, door, and trim. So basically, I painted until I could paint no more! Still several rooms to paint, but I will have to wait for some help. I am going to a doctor right now, who is trying to determine if I have carpal tunnel or muscle/nerve problems. Either way, my painting days are numbered. I will post pictures of the house soon! It was built in the early 1940's and it is just amazing!
I struggled with the decision of whether or not to let Madison finish out the school year in Levittown or transfer at the New Year to Farmingdale. Madison was very upset and did not want to leave her friends in Levittown......and that was breaking my heart in two. My anxiety was through the roof. After much prayer, and talking with school counselors, I felt we should transfer to Farmingdale. Madison was upset, but handled it with much grace and maturity. Her Christmas party in Levittown was her last day of school there. At the party, one of the moms asked about us moving. She told me in front of the teacher, other moms, and Madison, that she would never do that to her daughter. She expressed how hard that is for a child, and she would just have to tell her husband to move without her until the end of the school year. She went on and on.......and the more she talked.......the sicker I felt.........and less air I began to breathe! I left there emotionally torn apart and second guessing it all. The next day, Sterling and I went to enroll Madison at Woodward Parkway Elementary School, in Farmingdale. I was so stressed out. We went to the Middle School to sign up in the district, and every one was so nice and it just so happened that Madison's bus driver was sitting in the office. Not only was Madison riding a small mini-van bus with a sweet driver, but the bus would be picking her up at our house! Then we went over to her new school........the largest elementary school on Long Island, with over 1500 students......3 stories high! We met the principal, who was very nice. I asked if we could meet the teacher, but they said it was too crazy of a day, being the last day of school before they were saying that......Madison's teacher walked in the office! We turned around as the principal said ,"speaking of her teacher, this is Mrs. Kushner". I turned around, and there stood this beautiful young lady all decked out in New York Style! She told me she also had a second grade daughter, so she understood the anxiety Madison might feel moving mid-year. She said the girls in the class were so sweet, and she would make sure Madison had an easy adjustment! INSTANTLY, I felt peace! There stood this lady, who we would later find out, knows all about Hannah Montana and High School Musical......which is important to any 2nd grade girl these days...and I felt peace! God knew my need........and He placed all the right people at just the right time to let me know I was following His plan.
The first day of school, Jan.2, I was still very nervous, because I knew it was hard on Madison.
When I picked her up from school, I asked her how her day was, and she said good. She began telling me how nice her teacher was, and how cool the school was. She even got her very own cool! I asked her if she thought after some time, she would like her new school better than her old one......and she looked at me and said "Oh Mom! I already do!" Now, that is a miracle of God! She absolutely loves everything about her new school......especially the fact that her new teacher gives less homework! When we follow and trust in God's will, no matter how hard or unfair it seems, He brings us through better than before. What a treasure of gold for us to find and even more for our young 8 year old to see God moving and working in her life. Such grace.
We are running non stop but having a blast! We had a Superbowl party last night at our house and had 29 people come! It was great! We had 12 visitors last Sunday, all of which plan to come back! We love the people of Farmingdale Baptist Church.....and it won't be too much longer before we are all members of Crossroads Church of Long Island. The people are wonderful! So much to tell you about each of them, but I have to prepare for company coming this afternoon and our 1st small group, which begins in our home tonight. The next small group will meet on Wednesday night in our home! Please pray for these groups as they begin. Here are some pictures from the party last night! I continue to update on all God is doing soon!
Also pray for our Children's Ministry. I am going to begin a new Children's Church program in April.....pray for direction and the right materials! It is exciting but very new to a little scary! But I have two precious angels that keep me motivated!
Here is a picture of Madison and Michelle, at the party last night. Michelle is Tommy's sister!
Yeah you are back!! I am so excited... I did not know you guys moved in already... I thought it would not be till later... Love you!
I'm so glad things are going well for you. I read that you are searching for a good children's curriculum. Well, I have a suggestion. This is one of my passions (after attending their conference 2 years ago in Michigan). Children's Desiring God is a God-centered curriculum that teaches BIG truths about a BIG God. They have lots of different options as far as going chronologically through the Old or New Test, or curricula for older children all the way up to teen-aged. This started at John Piper's church (I know you have to have heard of him) and has caught on like wildfire. Their website is:
I will be attending their conference this year again in Michigan. It is a wonderful resource on how to teach children about God and the Bible in a serious way. The people who wrote the curriculum are seriously passionate about it and love to spread the passion to others. Teach them while their hearts are tender, right? Fill them with scripture and sound truths at a very early age so that they will surely not depart from it!
Hope you'll check it out and tell me what you think. Look under "Resources" for some options.
Love you!
Thanks Tamra! I will definitely check it out and let you know. Keeping you in my prayers,
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