Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Home Sweet Home...

Back in March, Jenna and I spent a few days up in New York. We were having several meetings, learning some things about New York, and wondering what God was doing in our lives. Following our time in New York, we arrived back in Houston, late on a Tuesday night. The following morning, the man who owns the home that we were leasing, informed us that he had been transferred. He was telling us that we would need to get out of the house, so that he could prepare the home to sell.
So, that's we did. We moved out of our home a couple of weeks ago. All of our stuff, minus some clothes and toys, rests in a storage unit somewhere in Houston. We think. We're pretty sure. Yeah, they seemed like nice enough guys.
So, for the last two weeks, we have lived at the home of some of our dear friends, Pat and Diana Forrester. While Pat and Diana have been traveling in Europe, they have given us full reign of their home.
It has been a lot of fun. It kind of feels like we are on a vacation. There's a pool in the backyard. The Astros are on every night. It's nice. Very nice.
At the same time, it is very different. Not bad different. Good different. But, different just the same. Each day, there is this reminder that while we are not yet in New York, the adventure has already started. We are aware that though this is only the beginning of our New York journey, it really has begun.
We are learning that while "home is where the heart is", it's also possible for people to share the home that they have made with others. That goes way beyond pools and television.
Thanks Pat and Diana.


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